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career advice

The Resume:

First impressions with a resume are no different to meeting someone in person, front load with the information that will get a perspective employer on the hook. You have 30 seconds, max. Don't leave the best till last, it wont be read.

Keep it simple and use a compatible program. If you are going to work with a recruitment agency they will probably request it in word, they may wish to help reformat your resume or it may be their software wont be able to read the detail if it is PDF. Regardless, the simpler the better. Fussy, busy resumes go to the bottom of the pile. If they need to download software to read your resume, they probably wont.

The Interview:

Knock it out of the park. I know, strange way to start the advice, right? If you knew how to do that you wouldn't be reading this. Well, once you have practiced the skills required you still need to ace it. If you don't go into the interview wanting it, the employer will be able to tell. Or worse, they start slow, you are disinterested and switch off. Then when they start pushing your buttons it might be too late. Kill it, early.

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